Thursday, August 24, 2017

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act II Scene IX

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act II Scene IX

Act II Scene IX
 Act II: Scene VI:
 The curtain again reopens upon Vie laid up in a hospital room recovering from burns in the 3rd degree

for not loving justice according to the Almighty's decree:

“He has told you. . . what is good.”... Vie couldremember these words from her foster mom's persistent reproof. But self-willed always. A weed not a rose, since not loving anyone but self. Strong-willed, with belligerent thick roots.

Other's desire dismissed; tossed upon a high top shelf. Forgotten. Unless of benefit to personal inspires. Then gone after like a notorious night thief for diamonds and pearls in malfeasant, 

stealth as performed by the haughty or arrogant home-wrecking thief.

Ended up she early outside a warm shelter. Homeless. Without a permanent roof.

Yet, time and again her intelligence gained her a shared temporary bed. With or without lice aggravating her head. Though, all she needed do was adhere to honesty in 'truth'.

Throw her back and laugh hearty at that.

"What fun lies in goodness?... I'd rather roll in the gutter if it provides sensual entertainment. Gives me power. Though, I'd maintain a sense of aloof. (Since, her smile and sweet laughter hid well the depth of her hostile bends.)

But, as Proverbs 29:15 states: "A child left unrestrained brings shame on his mother." For people, in the end, always asked
"who birthed this girl?" after a wickedness, as foretold, is thoroughly uncovered.

"Can a man rake fire to his chest and not burn his garments?" Proverbs 6:27.

Never, could she fathom this slow recovery to a treachery unearthed by Andy unveiling her long and heinous trends.

All that was needed:

“To love kindness.”

She pretended this when selfish ends demanded.
But, within her heart she felt kind and meek weakened ones strong.

Always by her wits and wittiness, on her feet to land.

However, here she lays replaying her 'means' against Aria to gain Andy's love and financial 'greens':

Daily she'd play back video tapes displaying what slip-up in their relationship growing she could twist him to Aria insidiously berate.

Especially since, “to be modest” Aria strove to do after only one feisty episode. Aria then determined not to be misunderstood. A man 'forever' in a married state Aria desired. And for this, sexual urges aside, she'd purposefully wait.

So, it became necessary for Vie to initiate a campaign of racially inspired hate.

But do you remember her, When I finished with him...?

Well, it ended with: "He's finished with me."
Rolled off the stage 'She' in abject misery.

Then drops the curtain on Vie hospitalized for her envy, her lies. In penance only for not completing what she hatefully contrived. 

Andy to despise Aria, which didn't happen even after Aria dies peaceful and serene, despite the duplicity against her.

Even more so Aria wins.

Andy's love for her increases greatly as each new season spins. 

But Vie's and his cancerous friendship
finally at a blessed end... Andy... No longer compromised*...TO BE CONT'D 8/25/2017

For Aria:


Hollowed out


after suffering
crippling agony

intense its pain

which twisted
my psyche

so viciously.

Contorted me.

my brain.

I cried out for you
in the bleakness.


my soul
to drain.

While writhing
in harrowed darkness


I thought

in vain.

Now I feel your love
uplifting me

like butterflies

my insides

No longer lonely
since so despised.

Now I know true love

You have opened


Yes, I sense

your love
so truly.

A Light
so bright

your Being

yet wondrously


Yes, I sense

your love
so truly.

No longer empty.
Not compromised.


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