Monday, August 21, 2017

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act II Scene VIII

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act II Scene VIII

Act II. Scene VII.

Narrator: The Curtain opens with a beautiful haunting melody filling Andy's apartment--loft. Andy rushes over to his answering machine, viciously shutting it off.

Glorious words snatched quickly from the air, but not before
Aria recognized phrases asking to God: Please hear my prayer.

Horrified, Andy fidgets; quickly moves things around his luxurious place. Apologizes sheepishly. Red highlighting his face.

Andy: Sorry about that. Me mom. (Slightly grinning.) Hey! How about a snack before we begin. (Thoughts creeping to culminate soon in some artistic sinning.)

Narrator: Aria paused in her inspection of his personal space. In introspection her heart commences to race. Quite surprised it resembled the campus' artist studio. Although, mostly masculine. No appearance of lace,

except a little slip of black swiftly balled up his hand.

This distracted Aria from questioning the sweet melody. It unfortunately erased.

Aria, turns to nod her assent, when a bell buzzing immediately surprised them both. Andy pausing as if contemplating to bolt, when realizing he's his own man. Cowardice revoked.

Pushes the intercom, while not experiencing an inner calm.

Andy: Who is it?

Vie: It's me!... Vie.

Narrator: She replies knowingly. For she had implanted cameras in the loft intending on Andy to spy.

Andy glances at Aria, before buzzing her up.

Andy: I'm sorry Aria for this brief interruption. We've been friends for a bit.

Narrator: He not mentioning her initiation of his moral corruption.

Aria: Oh, it's no problem.

Narrator: Though, this is a lie. Aria pieces things together like a mathematician formulating equations in a blink of one's eye; yet, she'll not now launch into a jealously inspired pry.

Remembering his recent, "I love you" she commences to demonstrate her belief in this by taking control of preparation of snacks, as the lady in a relationship is inclined to do.

Aria: I'll just pull us together something to eat, while you answer, since you for.

Narrator: Her way of composure during retreat.

Andy: Good idea!

Narrator: As he heads to open the door. Irritating building, yet he's not really outspoken. Leaning on the frame, he opens to peer, not allowing Vie to explore. Nor Aria to hear.

Yawning as if arising from a nap. Although, not exhibiting a youthful reaction that at this precise moment he finds life an utter bore.

Instead, he portrays he's been inept.

Andy: Oh Vie! Thanks so much for waking me! I've must've overslept. Would you mind racing over to the campus to slow Aria down. I don't want her any longer to be kept.

Narrative: Vie grins, doesn't let on that she knows. However, inside she fumes. In a minute she'll explode if not immediate she goes.

Vie: No problem.

Narrator: She leans in to give him a kiss. He hesitates, but her leaning insists.

Swiftly, he pecks on the lips, but she grabs hold, plants one on him
that Aria cannot fail to miss... TO BE CONT'D

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