Tuesday, August 15, 2017

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act II Scene III

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act II Scene III


Act II Scene III 
Narrator: Andy and Vie stroll the same yesterday scene before all three take center stage

as necessity calls upon Vie to manipulate
a connection smoothly to innocently be made.

So off to your left watch Vie protect her web to entangle Andy and Aria and further strengthen it with spidery eggs carefully laid.

Ah! Andy remember the verse
once faithfully in totality rehearsed:

"Look out that no one takes you captive
by means of the philosophy and empty deception
according to human tradition,

according to the elementary things of the world
and not according to Christ"? Col. 2:8.

Vie has unique vices, blinded by a pendulum swinging her emotions erratically between love and hate.

Don't be blind! . . .Because
“A blind man cannot guide a blind man,
can he?

Both will fall into a pit,
will they not?" Luke 6:39.

Consider your associates before it's too late....

Vie: (Placing a hand upon his arm, Vie causes Andy to hesitate.)

Andy, look over there. She's there again. And you'll never guess what happened yesterday.

(She leans closer so as Aria not to hear.)

Aria asked for you to paint her portrait!
Since such a talented artist you are, dear.

So I gave her your number for she to ask.
But maybe it'll be too much for her. A task.

So, just go with the flow.

Surely you'll want to paint her beauty aglow!

Your work to become famous.
Your name the world to know.

Narrator: Andy incredulous looks into Vie's upturned face
as to wonder: What did you do? When Vie grabs his hand
their fingers to lace. Moving him towards Aria already stationed in place.

Vie: Ah! Here he is Aria! The man to paint you.

Narrator: But Andy's a slight bit confused.
For in his hand is money Vie left.
Him feeling used.

Though, later she'll caustically lie in explain:

"Aria's paying as a patron. Consider it financial gain
to attain your own ride since your ornery father refrains!"

However, let's get back to these three.

Aria patiently waiting for Andy to proceed.

Andy: Hi. I'm Andy. You're Aria, I know.

Aria: Yes. So you're a painter desiring greater progress to show?

Vie: And with you as a model with great beauty bestowed,
Andy, you can't go wrong! This is so right!...

Oh, I wish I could be there in an atmosphere where inhibitions are relaxed for great relationships to grow.

Narrator: As the curtain closes, a noose tightens for Andy, true.

Now is the time for he
to consider closely which path rightly to choose:

Strong associations with ones like-minded
in hopes future or his nurtured virtue threatened

maybe him even enjoyably to lose

yet, swiftly trailing
guaranteed grievous repercussions
varied in scope or degrees
of difficulty for anyone even prepared
to cope?

Will his free-will
cause him temptation

to refuse?

Remember Andy:

"Whoever trusts in his own heart is stupid,
But the one who walks in wisdom will escape." Pro. 18:26.

"The heart is more treacherous than anything else
and is desperate.

Who can know it? Jer. 17:9.

Those following this tale
already know Andy's fate.

However, you must consider Vie's emotional state
imitating chaos worldwide

escalating more of late.

Across the revolving backdrop scene
images flash of these titles or tragedies
in which many today are forced to deal with or relate:

Rescuers resume grim search for dead in flooded Freetown 
Hundreds join silent London march for fire victims 
Police Brace for More White Nationalist Rallies, but Have Few Options
Driver purposely steers into French pizzeria, killing girl
Argentinian Hunter Trampled And Killed By Elephant In Namibia.
Yemen cholera cases exceed half a million.

Yes, decisions on who to love; what career to choose
while an international world continues on course of a prophecy centuries ago slated:

“Nation will rise against nation.”—Matthew 24:7.
“There will be food shortages.”—Matthew 24:7.
“There will be great earthquakes.”—Luke 21:11.
“In one place after another pestilences.”—Luke 21:11.
People will “betray one another and will hate one another. . . . The love of the greater number will cool off.”—Matthew 24:10, 12.
“Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . . having no natural affection.”—2 Timothy 3:2, 3.

Yes even: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.”—Matthew 24:14.

And as student protests on Andy & Aria's campus
their budding beginning

to secrecy relegated.

Stay loyally tuned :-).....TO BE RESUMED

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