Tuesday, August 23, 2016



by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)

Your words
tricky thus sticky
pulled at the core of my worth

once believing their utterances
conceived in love


way above my insecurities.


once again braised upon knees
my desire pleads with you:

Lift me up; raise me as high
as once your sky!

But this snickery of yours I can't abide.

Snide and deceitful hides of your whereabouts;
then angry strides and shouts

shoving my nerves around.

Cuddling me
then busted


Around like a Ferris wheel.

Downs extremely down.

How did you entrap
swallow me whole

where darkness dwells?
Where I am cold.

Why did I falter
and fall into
when my intelligence usually
lets me see through?

Your smoothness became a tranquil sea.
Bluer that any horizon given me.

Your lips of venom were honey sweet
to drip upon my thirsty tongue.
To skip my patter of its beat.

Your touch a flame to heaven send

now bends me forth
to curl in pain
from poison rushing from my heart
to cripple me
through shrinking veins

pinching the oxygen
from my weak and famished

How did you know
for me to seek?
What deep inside
did you true peek?

Your handsomeness disguised your hate.
Your treachery

will seal my fate?

Am I too late?

Shall I be as Eve,
since so thoroughly deceived

laid to rest and then to dust
for lacking sense of whom to trust?

The web you spun to capture me...

To humor you?
To murder me?

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