Saturday, July 16, 2016

Religious Freedom or Human Rights

Religious Freedom or Human Rights

by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)


this should not a question be:
human rights and ethics to supersede

religious edicts not conforming
to human values and country laws adorning

citizens in every land?

since the Declaration of Human Rights dispenses this statement:

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience
and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

As the eagle projects then flies
higher than the naked eye to spy his flight
regal with majesty and pure delight

is the plight of imperfect man.

The vision is awesome,
even beautiful.

It touches the heart of loving souls.

Yet, this dream to behold
disappears. The destination


in a world grown cold.

Should not religion provide the key
to freedoms and rights?

Yes, liberty!

Depending upon which sovereignty
the leaders preach.

Not all gods are equal in the least degree.


to go to battle to demand
equality; to take a stand legally

Is an individual's right to fight for.

A privilege to humanity.

But, in the end...
when under the subjection of greed and power

do we really believe that true justice will stand?

It will stand!

Unification of races and nations has already begun!

In the past, began
when individuals started within themselves
to practice love

and encouraged others to do the same.

This start became the basis or foundation for the future claim:

An end to violence and hatred!
An end to war!

An end to wicked spirits controlling the world and making us sorely need to pray:

"Please end our suffering!
Inequality... no more!"

Yes, soon will arrive that blessed day
when righteousness will then hold sway.

Until that time we keep
at personal bay

any and all
who human rights do slay.

Do not let anger have its way.
Keep peace and pursue it!

Lay down animosity and bury it!

Let a King
clear the earth

of this total chaos
and complete

The battle is Christ's
and The Almighty's.

They alone have the power
to end all injustices

and establish

True Peace and Security



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