Tuesday, August 29, 2017

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act III Scene V

21st Century Love . . . Andy & Aria's Act III Scene V


Act III Scene V
 The curtains are drawn back to continue the scene.

When Aria saw Andy's six-pack lacking three in his left hand her mind went volcanically active after anguish given cruel birth through worry. Emotions careened.

Heart, definitive in its lack of mirth.

as lightening stabs
not gloriously striking as when across a midnight sky

hurled through her
crushing like boulders dense in blackness excavated
to pulverize her soul back to mere dirt. Earth.

Aria slowly raised her head. Then she sat back upon her legs as if too weary. No longer by thrill of first love fed.

She asks, while Andy fidgets. Unable to square off and look her steadily in the eye.

Aria: Andy, where were you?

Narrator: Andy sets down his drink.
Not inclined to give thought to think.

Andy: Nowhere, Aria.

Narrator: Aria found it difficult to blink.

Aria: Nowhere?... Then why weren't you here?
Were you with 'she'?

Andy: No Aria!... Though 'she' is my friend!

Narrator: Aria's head drops.

Aria: How can that be when she is my enemy?

Narrator: Aria begins to murmur:

Aria: Andy,

Your words
tricky thus sticky
pulled at the core of my worth

once believing their utterances
conceived in love


way above my insecurities.


once again braised
upon knees

my desire pleads with you:

Lift me up; raise me as high
as once your sky!

But this snickery of yours I can't abide.

Snide and deceitful hides of your whereabouts;
then angry strides and shouts

shoving my nerves around.

Cuddling me
then busted


Around like a Ferris wheel.

Downs extremely down.

How did you entrap
swallow me whole

where darkness dwells?
Where I am cold.

Why did I falter
and fall into
when my intelligence usually
lets me see through?

Your smoothness became a tranquil sea.
Bluer that any horizon given me.

Your lips of venom were honey sweet
to drip upon my thirsty tongue.
To skip my patter of its beat.

Your touch a flame to heaven send

now bends me forth
to curl in pain
from poison rushing from my heart
to cripple me
through shrinking veins

pinching the oxygen
from my weak and famished

How did you know
for me to seek?
What deep inside
did you true peek?

Your handsomeness disguised your hate.
Your treachery

will seal my fate?

Am I too late?

Shall I be as Eve,
since so thoroughly deceived

laid to rest and then to dust
for lacking sense of whom to trust?

The web you spun to capture me...

To humor you?
To murder me?*

Narrator: By this time Aria's frame, though still not standing, is rigid in its anger to Andy defy. Whack!

Aria touches her face. Her heart in race. When Andy reaches back to again strike.

Yet, Aria grabs her leather bag. Slings back:

Aria: Andy, 'She', your friend, gave our family HIV. Deal with that! 

I hope you and her will be happy together in your lustful iniquities!

Narrator: Then Aria flees through their kitchen backdoor,
down the fire-escape to construct a plan which will help her regain a semblance of her former serenity.

Headed to the campus theatre near
she thought to dance away her anger and this nagging fear.

The curtain closes on Andy as Aria reaches their usual bench
unaware of a rally brewing. Opposers against interracial couples hateful enough to Aria lynch.

With no desire to rhythms past heed, Aria pulls out her phone to shots of Andy while sitting to meditate on love's chaotic deeds:

Aria: What about Love
does us crazy make?

Forsaking all


though graven
their mistake when
splayed as wet spaghetti
on a plate made dirty

you arrived;

but laid, now,
you out,
in glorious

as if one prized

by this soul
of late
full of volcanic hate.

What about love
drives us to pursue
this one whose back
always beckons you?

Is this what
true love
is prone to do?

Love is patient.
Love is kind.

So why do I feel intense
your despise?

My red heart
you turn to blues
strumming my life away

chasing yellow

Twilight the passage
shadowing the day-

light not brightening
the darkness
of your departure--.

eager in anger.

frightened kitten-like
in my home's corner
until this one
to further


Is this love?

What about Love?

It's time!
For me to let it show!

For others to see
how much I've grown.

brings sweet soil to grow
as poppies under a radiant sun
spreading beauty to the eye's of all

the sum of all our efforts

and even those who never did become
soft and caring after all we've done.

Well, keep the candle flaming
though it may flicker!

We can still shine brightly
even in stormy nights
with our wicks protected
to further bestow.

Stay aglow.

This is love!

Not hidden.

It brings delight.

My war has ended.
I've abandoned vengeances' fight.

For it's all about Love
with total might
for all that's right.

I pray in time
you'll too

from a raging sea
and find the calm.

Maybe then you'll

a valued gift
to the world;
to me.


Narrator: Now Aria is ready on the theatre's empty stage to perform, since her life has regained its mission. No longer to bitterness and animosity

unhappily succumb... TO BE CONT'D

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